Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Simple Life

A simple's what I wish for.  Minimum stress, no hectic schedule, no drama~
A life lived for God's pleasure and in His will,  a peaceful existence with myself, family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. I don't want to know bad things about others and I don't want to fix anyone. I am letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.  I am learning that being brave does not mean the absence of fear, so I am pressing on, even when I feel afraid.  I will not judge the actions of other people and will keep remembering that I am only responsible for mine. I continue to weed out things in my home...clothes, kitchen "stuff", knick-knacks, books, cds, dvds, etc.  My desire for only the things I need is growing and I have a garage full of yard sale items that need a new home.  I want to look nice but I want a hairstyle that requires "no fussing"!  I want my nails short and my wardrobe sparse.  No more fretting over what to match up...what jewelry to wear, what goes with what;  I think that's why I'm leaning towards simple dresses.  Pull one out, slip into some sandals and I'm out the door.  If I didn't need make-up, I wouldn't wear any, but at my age, a little goes a long way! And, if I didn't have all these coarse, gray hairs, I'd strive to be happy going au naturel.  Maybe one day~  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Popcorn, Please!!!

I love movies and the ones I love the most I watch over and over.  Here's a list of those that I've watched at least 10 or more times...

Jane Eyre (about 5 different versions)     
To Kill A Mockingbird
Pride & Prejudice (long and short versions)
Sense & Sensibility                                 
Little Women                                          
Emma (two versions)                                         
Becoming Jane
Mansfield Park
Miss Potter
While You Were Sleeping
Ever After
You've Got Mail
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Last of the Mohicans
The Age of Innocence

I'm watching Becoming Jane as I write this and Jane is breaking up with Tom makes me sad, but I just keep watching and watching, over and over, year after year.  As Brian always said, "you're a hopeless romantic!"

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Roller Coasters

I have never liked roller coasters.  My earliest memory of riding one is with my Pawpaw Davis when I was very young.  It was a small roller coaster for kids and Pawpaw had on one of those hats that men wore back then flew off during the ride.  I don't remember exactly how I felt when the ride ended, but I'm sure it didn't thrill me.  I've ridden many coasters just because of peer pressure and/or family pressure.  I even rode one years ago where riders were almost standing up.  It was a strange feeling, especially going upside down a couple of times.  It's been years since I've been on a physical roller coaster but for the past 2 years, I've been on one very long emotional ride.  I cry one minute, laugh the next, feel calm one day and anxious a couple of days later.  One Sunday, I will love my new church and the following week, I feel like an outsider.  I spend a good amount of time with other people and yet, deep down, I almost always have a nagging feeling that I'm alone.  Losing your husband and your mother just 19 months apart is bound to take you on a wild ride, a huge, scary ride called GRIEF.  Like I said...I've never liked roller coasters!!