Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Popcorn, Please!!!

I love movies and the ones I love the most I watch over and over.  Here's a list of those that I've watched at least 10 or more times...

Jane Eyre (about 5 different versions)     
To Kill A Mockingbird
Pride & Prejudice (long and short versions)
Sense & Sensibility                                 
Little Women                                          
Emma (two versions)                                         
Becoming Jane
Mansfield Park
Miss Potter
While You Were Sleeping
Ever After
You've Got Mail
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Last of the Mohicans
The Age of Innocence

I'm watching Becoming Jane as I write this and Jane is breaking up with Tom makes me sad, but I just keep watching and watching, over and over, year after year.  As Brian always said, "you're a hopeless romantic!"


  1. I like this list except for the Last of the Mohicans and Age of Innocence.
    I would have to substitute them with Julie and Julia and Anne of Green Gables.

  2. I can't believe I left out Anne!! I had Julie and Julia on the list, but took it off to save for a future list! Great minds...
